As part of our commitment to bridging the opportunity gap in K-12 education in our local communities, Zillow proudly partners with Technology Access Foundation (TAF).
TAF uses STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) as a tool for realizing social change and educational equality in communities of color and those with low income. TAF leverages in-school and out-of-school learning to address longstanding historical inequities for students of color, and cultivate leadership and citizenship in ALL students toward equity.
One way we work with TAF is by welcoming students to Zillow headquarters for worksite tours each year. We design our worksite tours to make an impact and support TAF students in exploring career options by giving them first-hand insight into what careers are possible for them at Zillow.
Worksite tours are typically day-long events where TAF students can tour our office, hear from employees in different departments, engage with a lunchtime panel of Zillow employees and ask questions, and participate in interactive workshops where Zillow employees teach them how to conceptualize, build and market a new product, and code a website.
Zillow is committed to bridging the opportunity gap, driving career connected learning, and creating a more equitable and diverse pipeline of future Zillow employees. We know education opens doors to opportunity. The health and vibrancy of our communities improves when all youth have support and access to education and opportunity.
Some of Zillow’s employees are TAF alumni, and we are always excited to forge new relationships with TAF students! We hope many more will want to come to work for Zillow in the future.