• Posted in Culture

    It’s Confirmed: It Rains Here

    Seattleites are known to pooh-pooh the rain, but even die-hard locals — those born and raised here (not me) — were overwhelmed by the biblical nature of the rain in the past 48 hours. It is reported to be the second wettest day in ...

  • Posted in Culture

    Using Make Me Move™ to Get an Edge

    Pretend you are a real estate agent. Now, imagine how happy your client would be if you found them their one-in-a-million dream home. Okay now, pretend you are a homeowner. Imagine how happy you would be if the next person to ring your doorbell was going ...

  • Posted in Culture

    Zillow ‘Staching it with Mustaches for Kids

    If you’ve been to the Zillow offices lately, you may have noticed an abnormally high number of Zillowites with stubble on their upper lips. A little weird? Yes. I tad bit frightening? Probably. But it’s for a good cause! More than 20 of us tossed ...

  • Posted in Culture

    Two Wheels To Work

    Remember when you learned how to ride your bike in the driveway when you were six years old, wobbling along on training wheels as your dad helped stabilize the back of the banana seat?Well, turns out, bicycling is making a huge comeback, thanks to the ...

  • Posted in Culture

    Coming Soon: 25,000 For-Sale Listings from United Country

    It’s been a great couple of weeks for our soon-to-launch Zillow Listings Feed program, and today we’re happy to announce a new partner, United Country Real Estate, which will feed approximately 25,000 for-sale listings nationwide to ...

  • Posted in Culture

    The People Have Spoken: Zillow is Best Seattle Start-Up

    We’re excited, tickled, humbled, flattered, and thrilled to announce that we’ve been named the Best Start-Up in the 2007 NWSource People’s Pick! THANK YOU, PEOPLE! And if this isn’t exciting enough, we’ve also been named ...

  • Posted in Culture

    We Know How to Celebrate Halloween

    It has become quite a tradition at Zillow to go whole hog and embrace the idea of dressing up for Halloween. Here are a few pics to get the idea of what goes down at Zillow headquarters on Oct. 31, starting with a group photo… Product Team Lead Andy ...

  • Posted in Culture

    Zindex World Series

    Welcome to the 2007 Zindex World Series! BaaaaahhhhSTUN! For you Cleveland fans, we won’t even mention the third-base coach’s name or infer that his blown call sent the Indians into a tailspin en route to a 11-2 loss in the deciding game of ...

  • Posted in Culture

    Zillow Wins Gold!

    Today, we learned that we won gold in the W3 awards! The W3 awards recognizes the creative aspects of the web, and are judged by the International Academy of the Visual Arts — some smart folks in media, advertising and marketing. We are thrilled to ...